I now have a brand new (my first) Kemper Stage ONLY because of your videos. I have spent a while looking around other Profile and Performance producers over the past few days, many in the market for years, and I can state quite easily that you have set the new standard for profiles. In the past I have been aware of but not interested at all in getting a Kemper.
Greetings from Spain _ Hi Glenn, I have been a long time Helix patch user of yours and over the years I have come to believe you provide some of the best advice and certainly the best patches I have ever had. Thank you for the incredible work, but especially for looking out for your customers and not just the sale. After Glenn asked me how the purchase went, I told him what happened to me and without thinking he helped me to find the solution. After proving how good they are, I had a connectivity problem between the Helix and the HX Edit. You are such a pleasure to deal with, one of the best out there in both quality and your personal touch you give on questions! And I have asked a few in the last year so thank you for being real! _ Yesterday I bought the Amp Simulations Patches Ultimate Bundle. Thanx a million _ I have almost all of them now! Still need the pick-up set and I really want to nab the large acoustic set, but those will have to wait. Neal _ I just bought your preset pack for the Mooer GE 300 and I have got to say: Glenn the man, you did it again!! Wow crazy good presets, I am looking forward on going into rehearsal and use them. Thanks again Glenn! Let me know if you make any new ones. Glenn, Just wanted to tell you how great the patches I purchased from you sound!! I have patches from other sources and they are not quality products like yours. _ Great job! Looking forward to trying some Kemper profiles soon. My wife even commented that it seems that I found my groove again and I’m to pocket. With your patches I went straight into doing what I love, playing the guitar.

Currently I play on multi platforms Line 6, Kemper, Amplitube, 11R and can’t tell you how many hours I’ve lost tweaking settings and experimenting with various rigs. They are incredible and dialled into that perfect sweet spot. _ Wow, wow, wow! Into my second day of playing through your HX stomp patches and I am in guitar nirvana.

haha Relay appreciate all the work you do and the templates you construct to help people thru the learning curve created by the Pod Go system. Thanks for you time and effort! - Steven _ Glenn, Listen, I am an 80 year old rocker and blues man playing a PRS Floyd Rose thru a Line 6 DT25 into stereo 12" ext cabs. I'm super happy with my purchase, and I feel I'm going to get much more value out of my Helix now. I guess dialling in tones just isn't one of my strengths. I got these presets with tempered expectations, but yesterday was honestly the first time I genuinely had a fun time using my Helix without reservations.

I've had this Helix for a few years now, and dialling it in has been very challenging and stressful.

The IRs are amazing as well usually if there's a tone I find doesn't work for me, I just switch up the IR and it makes a world of difference. They are serving as a great start to a lot of the artists/songs I like playing. _ Hey Glenn, I just wanted to let you know I'm having a blast with these patches so far. After work hours and family my guitar time is limited so i need to play not tweak and these amp simulations are just great, maybe it is the IR? I did buy patches from another guy and have downloaded many and never have any luck except for yours. I really could use the voodoo or my mesa all night as they can roll back to as clean as i need and then dirty with volume and the leads are great. i also tweaked one of yours and call it mesa, andy timmons type sound. I used the morgan, trainwreck, voodoo and slo. Last night they were dialled in just right and sounded awesome. I play with a LIne 6 powercab at home and i needed to do some extra adjustments going through our PA system after the first practice. I just wanted to let you know I finally was able to have our first band practice in about a year, 2 weeks ago and again last night.